Frank Blessinger Auction Day 2, Thurs. July 25th

The Estate of Frank Blessinger has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Thursday, July 25th  @ 4:00 PM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs. 

Vintage Tin Toys * Marbles

 Buddy L: Texaco Fire Chief fire truck, metal; road grader; ladder fire truck; dump truck; Scoop & Load; yellow car carrier. Nylint: dump truck; Aerial Hook & Ladder fire truck; semi tanker. Ertl: cattle truck; 3 bottom plow; AT&T service van; farm dump truck; semi tanker; tractor & wagon, #18, #88, #94 die cast stock cars, #32 Mac Tools die cast stock car. Tonka: Semi car carrier; bucket fire truck; Construction dump truck; track backhoe; AA wrecker truck; dump truck; bucket truck; Dune buggy; 2 small semis; red dump truck; 4 WD pickup. Tin Litho Toys: Tractor & loader; wind up Popeye; wind up Popeye in boat; Indy race car; “Winner” friction motorcycle & rider; Marx cat & ball; Marx wind up Goofy & Donald Duck; Marx cycle bar mower; 2 Marx wind up tractors; Marx delivery truck; Marx tractor & snow plow; Marx military plane; Marx Battle Ground play set; Marx wind up Army Staff car. Hubley tractor & manure spreader; Hubley dozer. Kingsbury canon truck; Structo cab over dump truck. Structo Toyland Garage Tow Truck; Lumar military truck; tin red & green military truck; 2 NIB Texaco Tanker Ships Dealer Offer, plastic; Folk Art tin & metal stork & frog; Fritchs Big Boy plastic bank; small Popeye pinball game; Spiderman phone;  several cap & holster sets; JI Case service truck;  Hubley cap gun & holster; Wyatt Earp cap gun & holster; Hot Wheels Mach 5 race car; many small cars, trucks, tractors etc by Arcor, Tootsitoy, Hubley, Midgetoy, Ralstoy, etc; board games including GI Joe Command Attack, All Star Baseball game, etc; NIB 2001 Holiday & Millennium Barbie; Rocket Shot pinball game; Nascar collectibles. Marbles: Several lrg. jars of mixed marbles including shooters; small bagged marbles. 

Child’s Tin Lunch Boxes

Cracker Jack w/thermos; Charlie Brown; Nancy Drew w. thermos; Land Of Giants; Red Barn w/thermos; Snoopy; Roy Rogers Chowagon; Dukes Of Hazzard; Hop Along Cassidy; Super Friends; Astronaut; Disney School Bus w/thermos;  2 Adams Family; and others. 

Printed & Embossed Milk Bottles 

Many painted & embossed including Ellsworth; Eckerle, Binhack Dairy, Gnau Dairy, Gnau Bros.; New Ulm Dairy;  Twin City; Nugent Farms; Ellerman Dairy; Ferlands Dairy7 cream top; Purity Made cream top; Weisheit Dairy; Golden Rod;  several large bags of milk bottle caps. 

Antiques & Collectibles

2 large Doberman Pincher plaster dogs; brass applebutter kettle; copper wash boiler; cherry pitter; red handle kitchen utensils; childs Western theme puzzels; 22′ x 60” Schaeffers pen glass & wood store display; tin ice cream scoop; 40 pottery applebutter jars in different sizes; many Velvet & Prince Albert tobacco tins; 3 rd. galv. wash tubs; galv. gas can & funnel; 5 galv. pails; 6 wooden nail kegs; porcelain & glass door knobs; wooden shipping boxes including Arm & Hammer Soda, electric blasting caps; miners carbide light w/reflector; wooden display cases; wooden ammo boxes; 4 boxes filled w/ record albums in their orig. jackets; many 45 RPM records in orig. jackets; 30 different shot glasses; wild boar mount; red globe RR lantern; many political buttons; different brand coffee tins; many Velvet & Prince Albert tobacco tins; Southern Star & Partridge lard tins; WWII History books; iron chicken door stop; wooden egg crate; sad irons; iron corn bread pan; Dubois County Military Review Books; 1839-1996 Jasper Fire Dept. History book; 1910 History Of Dubois County by George Wilson; Fredinand & St. Anthony Centennial books; many vintage RC cans w/popular baseball players on back; 6 wooden printers trays; metal bread rack w/trays on rollers. Glassware: Several lrg. boxes of green oatmeal glassware; 6 printed Disney glasses; 6 action figure glasses; Pyrex & Fire King measure cups; set of Fire King green dinosaur cereal bowls; colored aluminum tumblers. Antique Tools. NIB Frost Pocketknives. 

Vintage Medicine & Soda Bottles 

Collectible Caning Jars

Horlicks Malted Milk jar; Dr. Hostetters Bitters bottle; Stomach Bitters bottle; many other medicine bottles; tall Pluto Water bottles. Many, Many vintage soda bottles including Jasper Bottling, Ferdinand Bottling, Tell City Bottling, Petersburg Bottling, Suncrest, Barqs, Derrs, Mt. Dew, and many others. 7 wooden Double Cola & Coke cases; 8 plastic Coke cases. MANY, MANY vintage green & clear caning jars including Ball, Mason, The Dandy, Lightning, other unique names, lids and sizes, etc. Half pint to two quart. Single jars and large lots. Zinc and glass jar lids.  

Antique Tools

2 two man cross cut saws; lrg. iron leather punch; wooden block planes; metal well pulley; brush axe; bundle & pitch forks; 2 chopping axes;  straw & corn knives; large meat saw; froe; pair of red metal hames; steel pulleys; wooden block planes; vintage garden duster; several metal ammo cans; other antiques tools.  

Advertising Items 

Jasper Ice & Fuel ice pick; Pluto Water ashtray; Ferdinand Motors ashtray; Millers Dairy Service wall thermometer; Wm. Kalb & Co. Phillips 66 ashtray; Bartley & Oeding ad piece; Rumbach Queen City Grocery; 

Hoosier Garage ashtray; Luegers & Sternberg ashtray; 2 Hausenour & Sternberg ashtrays; GAB tin match holder; Firestone rubber tire ashtray; Otwell Milling yard stick; 3 Holland Dairy ashtrays; 1954 Gone With The Wind movie poster; large Bull Durham tobacco poster; Jasper Astra & Tivoli posters; Church fans; various S & P shaker sets; Royal Baking Powder shipping box; Dog & Suds & A & W root beer mugs; Lrg. “Parts City Auto Parts” tin one sided sign. Graniteware: Many different type pieces in swirl and solid colors.  Santa Claus Land Collectibles: Many small Santa Claus items including 3 printed glasses; other small items. 

Vintage Sports Collectibles

1939 Jasper Wildcats basketball program; 1949 Jasper Wildcats Basketball State Champs Photo Book; lrg. Framed 1939 “Welcome Huntingburg, Lets Go Wildcats” signed by Jasper business men;1949 Sporting News book; 1949 St. Louis Cardinals Score Card; 1955 & 1959 St. Louis Cardinals Score Cards; 1964 Cardinals & Yankees World Series Program; 1967 Cards & Red Socks World Series Program; 1968 Cards & Tigers World Series Program; 1965 Cards Year Book; Cards & Brewers Score Card; 1960 & 1972 Reds Score Cards; 1966 Reds Advertising Card; 1960 Reds Year Book; Basketball magazine w/Larry Bird cover; 1974 Whos Who in Baseball book; 1959 Chicago Bears Program; other vintage baseball & basketball books & magazines.  

Beer/Bar Signs

14” x 28”metal double side Cooks Beer sign; Miller High Life tin sign; Stag Beer lighted wall sign; 2 Sterling lighted wall signs; Sterling 1980 wall calendar; Sterling & Cooks wooden beer cases; vintage Oertel’s, Iron City, Hudepohl Beer cans; several Falls City wall calendars; Falls City & Old Style serving trays; Kessler’s Indy 500 & Kentucky Derby Winners banners; 27 Budweiser mugs; Drink Falls City barrel mug. 

Kentucky Derby Glasses

52 Kentucky Derby glasses starting in the 1950s.

Display Cabinets & Storage Shelves

Large chrome & glass lighted curio cabinet; glass & wood 22” x 60” counter top store display, w/rear sliding doors, lighted; many metal and wooden storage shelves. 

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

 Preview: Thursday July 25th    Noon To Auction Time             

 Auctioneers Note: Frank was an avid lifetime collector of many categories. Make plans now for this Absolutely Huge 2 Day Auction.Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Frank Blessinger Estate Auction, Sat. July 20th

The Estate of Frank Blessinger has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Saturday, July 20th  @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs. 

Large Uhl & Other Pottery Collection

Cedar Hill Farms butter crock; Oertels Little Brown Jug; #5 Blue Ribbon jug; Marlin & Co. L-ville mini jugs;  

small Potters Excursion1915 Red Wing to St. Paul jug; Seymour Octoberfest beer mugs; Ruckel’s Stoneware butter crock; sm. Wolfe Distilling Louisville Ky whiskey jug w/bail handle; sm. Distilled 1869 By Suitland Dairy Land jug; Roseville pedestal flower pot; 40 applebutter jars in different sizes; tall brown #6 jug w/spigot hole; white 1 gal. Storage jar w/bail handle & lid; gray salt glaze crock; white 1 gal. Fruit jar w/clamp lid; small storage jars w/clamp lids; 4 ½ gallon jugs; 6 #1 jugs; 9 #2 jugs; 3 #1 jugs; #3jug; 3 #5 jugs; all white #1 jug; #1, #2, #6, #8 double handle,   crocks; #2 Bee Sting crock; 2 brown wine jugs; 4 Mercury jugs; double handle #2 jar w/lid; brown Dog dish; 2 rabbit feeders; many pottery lids in different sizes & colors; many other pieces. Uhl Pottery: #10 bail handle crock; 2-#5 jugs; Chicken water; 5” blue Picket Fence bowl; #2 crock; #6 crock; 2 blue 7” and other vases; 2 Oertel’s Real Lager mugs; tall blue flagon pitcher; yellow bellied pitcher; rose ice & refrigerator pitchers; 4 Rustic Barrel Pitchers; Rustic Barrel mug sets; set of 4 br. grape mugs; 6” blue grape pitcher; Acorn jug; white rabbit w/basket; 8 Commemoratives in orig. boxes; rose, brown, blue grape pitchers; blue squat grape pitcher; 7 bellied jugs; 1” jug; many small bulbous jugs; Creme De Coffee jugs; and other pieces. Uhl Miniatures: Many miniature jugs including white & brown Botay jugs,  elephant jugs, Meiers label jugs, military boots, slippers, Dutch shoes, Egyptian jugs, baseball jug; tan hydrant dog; canteen jugs, many other miniatures of all types. 

Antiques & Collectibles

Unique Cattleman’s steer horn chair; steer horn hall tree; wooden log cabin; Everlast leather punching bag & gloves; vintage phonograph in cabinet; Elgin gold pocket watch; 25 porcelain figurines including Occupied Japan; Green Depression oil lamp; clear kerosene lamps; 8 straight razors in original boxes; 3 wooden cigar rollers; sm. brass bucket w/ handle; many Velvet & Prince Albert tobacco tins; different brand coffee tins;14 tin sewing machine oil cans; 4 boxes filled w/ record albums in their orig. jackets; many 45 RPM records in orig. jackets; oak clock shelf; Remington & Red Diamond, Northwestern Horse Nails, Dupont, wood shipping boxes; glass jar chicken water; many vintage RC cans w/popular baseball players on back; blue lightning rod globe; galv. Radiator can; sad irons; iron corn bread pan; vintage Jasper Telephone books; vintage post cards; Dubois County Military Review Books; 6 wooden printers trays; wooden table top display cases. NIB Frost Pocketknives. Advertising: Eckerle Dairy ash tray; Jasper Ice & Fuel Ice Pick; Stratmen Striegel Ashtray; Dubois Co. Tire ashtray;  Greenleaf Produce melon knife; Holland Dairy tray; “Lum & Abner Partners In Time” poster w/photos; 1968 Led Zepplin @ Winterland concert poster; Jasper Astra & Tivoli posters; Church fans; Francis Lueken & Son cloth seed sack; Burgers Seed Corn sack; printed burlap feed sacks; Jasper Roller Mills adv. Pieces; many small local advertising pieces. Kentucky Derby Glasses: many mixed date Kentucky Derby glasses. Graniteware: Many different type pieces in swirl and solid colors. Postage Stamps: Frame of Nazi postage stamps; World Wide Stamp album partially filled; filled American Centennial Covers album. Glassware: Many cartoon character printed glasses; 6 Wizard Of Oz character glasses; 8 sets Apoolo 11 & 13 glasses; Pyrex & Fire King measure cups; Pyrex & Fire King baking dishes; lrg. Red Pyrex mix bowl; colored aluminum tumblers. License Plates: Large box 1975 unissued Indiana plates; large box multi state plates going back to 1940.

Printed & Embossed Milk Bottles 

Many painted & embossed milk bottles including Ellsworth; Eckerle, Binhack Dairy, Gnau Dairy, Gnau Bros.; New Ulm Dairy; Twin City; Meadow Gold; Spriggs cream top; 12 small cream bottles; many others; wooden Huffman Dairy & Tip Top Creamery milk crates; several large bags of milk bottle caps.  

Vintage Tools

Heavy/Large wooden mallet; hay hooks; ice tongs; galv. oil fills; 3 barn lanterns.

Vintage Medicine & Soda Bottles & Caning Jars

Horlicks Malted Milk jar; Dr. Hostetters Bitters bottle; Warners Kidney & Liver Cure; embalming Fluid bottle; many other clear & brown medicine bottles; Pluto Water bottles; many others. Many, Many vintage soda bottles including Jasper Oak Flavors, Jasper Bottling, Ferdinand Bottling, Tell City Bottling, Petersburg Bottling, Suncrest, Barqs, Derrs, Mt. Dew, and many others. MANY, MANY vintage green & clear caning jars including Ball, Mason, Lightning, other unique names lids and sizes, etc. Single jars and large lots. Zinc and glass jar lids.

Household Furniture & Smalls

Beautiful oak lighted curio cabinet; like new gray electric lift chair; GE stacking washer & dryer; GE refrigerator; modern lawyers bookcase; wooden corner curio cabinet w/glass doors & bottom storage; 2 solid cedar chests; 2 GE dehumidifiers; sewing machine in cabinet; large Samsung flat screen TV; heavy pine dining table; Sanyo stereo receiver w/speakers; 2 drawer metal file cabinet; Tupperware; 2 NIB 12” Subwoofers; 2 DIB Pioneer car speakers; lrg. chrome & glass curio shelf; CDs & cassettes. 

Lawn & Garden

Like new Troybilt 6.5 hp 20” push mower; Echo shaft drive trimmer; like new wire mesh lawn & garden wagon; Shop Vac; new 1 gallon pancake air compressor; Air Works portable air tanks; electric Toro leaf blower; small hand tools, long handle tools; 10′ x 10′ folding canopy; 6 Lifetime plastic folding tables; 3 Rolators. 

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Preview: Friday, July 19th            3:00 To 5:00 PM

 For color photos visit our web site @ 

Owner: The Restate Of Frank Blessinger.

 Auctioneers Note: Frank was an avid lifetime collector of many categories. Make plans now for this Absolutely Huge 2 Day Auction.

Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Brian Schwoeppe Estate Auction, Sat. Aug. 3rd

The Estate of Brian Schwoeppe has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Saturday, August 3rd  @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.  

Low Hour New Holland TC45DA Loader Tractor

New DR 3 pt. ht. Fence Row/Road Bank Mower

Field Ditcher * 2 Swisher Trail mowers

Hyd Log Splitter

Low hour New Holland TC45DA HST, diesel tractor w/ 4 WD, 17LA front loader, folding roll bar, open station, good tire, very good condition with only 815 hours; new 3 pt. ht. DR fence line/road ditch mower, never used; 3 pt. ht. field ditcher; Swisher 10.5 & 11.5 hp 44” pull type trail mowers. homemade hyd. log splitter on wheels.

Polaris RZR 900 XP  

Polaris RZR 900 XP w/ windshield and top, EFI,  2 seater, good tires, new engine 3 years ago, 2,690 miles, good condition, good title.

Power & Hand Tools

2 new pneu. Porter Cable framing nailers; Choremaster CV2400 power washer w/5.5hp Honda; Craftsman 5.5 hp portable air compressor; 4.5 hp upright air compressor; TQ TG8250 electric start, portable generator; 10,00 Watt gas portable generator; Porter cable pancake air compressor; DeWalt & Ryobi cordless tools; new Blue Max 18” chain saw in plastic case; Atlas 80V cordless trim chain saw; 3 hp wet/dry vac; 3/4” drive socket set; extension cords; bottle jack; 3 load boomers; top link; set of tri-fold aluminum truck ramps; 6′ wooden step ladder;  

Aluminum Kettles & Cookware

Commercial Meat Slicer

Berkel electric commercial meat slicer; Enterprise sausage stuffer; two 25 gallon aluminum kettles w/lids  & handles; 20 gallon aluminum kettle w/lid; 10 aluminum cook pots from 2 gallon to 10; other small stainless & aluminum cookware; 2 stainless pressure caners; several 30 QT. Turkey fryers w/burners; NIB Bacon Master; NIB Cajun turkey injector; lrg. Hamilton Beach roaster oven; NIB electric 22” griddle; stainless mix bowl set; 2 burner gas stove on frame; Traeger pellet grill.

Antiques & Collectibles

2 cedar chests; oak parlor lamp table; Northwestern Bubble Gum machine on stand; 12 pane kitchen cabinet top only; wooden cabbage slicer w/box; several kerosene lamps; China & Porcelain figurines; 8 musical snow globes; 2 lrg. ceramic piggy banks; bottle capper; 2 galv. rd. wash tubs; 4 cast iron skillets; black wall rotary phone; Religious statues, prints, crucifixes, etc. Metal Street Signs: Including 5 STOP signs; No Parking; Do Not Enter; Road Closed; Private Drive. Glassware & China: Pyrex 3 pc. Nesting mix bowls; Pyrex pie plates, and baking dish; Corningware cookware; Correlle dinnerware; Visions cookware; lot of Pressed glass sets and pieces; glass tumbler sets; stemware sets; goblet sets; glass Lazy Susan; large set Wheat pattern dinnerware; China vegetable bowls and platters. Pottery: #12 brown crock; Indian #4 crock; Crown #10 crock. Quilts: 5 hand stitched applique & cross stitch quilts; electric sewing machine in cabinet; filled sewing box.   

Household Furniture & Smalls

Very nice oak lighted curio cabinet; corner curio cabinet; 2 oak platform rockers; 2 modern 3 pc. bedroom set; blod bookcase bed & dresser; 2 drawer metal file cabinet; Sentry combination floor safe; pair polished brass floor lamps; 8′ Lifetime plastic folding table; Cosco 3′ step ladder; 2 gun cabinets;10 hook rugs; electric room heaters; like new Gotham 8 pc. Copper lined cookware; kitchen appliances including 2 Food Saver vac sealers; lot of Tupperware; kitchen appliances & utensils; several cutlery sets; many clear 1 gallon jars. 

Lawn & Garden

Metal wheel barrel; 5 gallon poly lawn sprayer on wheels; 2 Worx cordless leaf blowers; Worx cordless pole tree trimmer; metal & plastic picnic coolers; glass top patio table w/umbrella; Lifetime plastic folding picnic table; concrete grotto; set of corn hole boards; folding nylon wagon; 2 new live animal traps; Zebco rods & reels; fishing tackle; new Coleman air mattress w/ pump.  

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Personal Property Preview: Friday, August 2nd           3:00 To 5:00 PM

 For color photos visit our web site @ 

 Auctioneers Note: New Holland Tractor & Implements and Polaris RZR to sell @ 12:00 noon.

Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Multi Owner Auction, July 13th

Saturday, July 13th @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.  

Household Furniture & Smalls

Modern oval dining table w/6 chairs, 2 leaves; lrg. oak lighted curio cabinet; 5 pc. Styline queen size bedroom suite; Basset 5 pc. bedroom suite; modern oak roll top desk; white wicker patio 7 pc. set; small white breakfast table set; Futon day bed; burgundy England Corsair sofa & chair; several end table sets; lrg. pine rocker; several rocker/recliners; pair oak bentwood kit. Chairs; set of 4 tan vinyl bar stools; nice oak wall clock; card table & chairs; table & floor lamps; 6 in 1 game table; oak VCR storage cabinet; many VCR tapes; LG 32” flatscreen TV; modern TV stand; GE 13 cu. ft. chest freezer; GE washer & dryer; Electrolux vac/scrubber; Domestic sewing machine in cabinet; set of LaSalle Law Library books; bedsreads, blankets, sheets, doilies, etc; kitchen appliances of all types; T-Fal cookware; Cutco cutlery set; aluminum cook & bakeware; Corningware; Glassbake cookware; Tupperware; stainless flatware sets; many qt. & pt. clear caning jars; Christmas decorations. Glassware & China: Large set of multi color Fiestaware; set of 4 Pyrex multi color nesting mix bowls; 2 Pyrex measuring cups; many nice pieces of pressed glass including tumbler glass sets, stemware, dessert sets, basket center piece; 8 place setting floral dinnerware.     

Antiques & Collectibles

 Set of Wm. Rogers silverplate flatware; 3 St. Meinrad wall plates; religious prints and statues; chrome high chair;  

chrome dinette w/6 chairs; chrome & green kitchen cart; adv. yard sticks; Red Chief corn sheller; metal milk can; 12” metal Coke wall thermometer; hand painted GWTW lamp; painted high back bed; square wash tub; vintage pogo stick; 2 old baseball mitts; wooden & aluminum baseball bats; 7 plastic rocket model w/launcher; green Retro swivel rocker; extra long Retro sofa and chair; Retro table lamp; brown wall touch phone; many Seraphin Angels w/original boxes; many other porcelain figurines; small wooden carpenters tool box; 4 Daxey metal & wood butter churns. Pottery: Uhl blue picket fence mix bowl; Uhl #5 jug; Heart 5 jug. Costume Jewelry: Many nice costume jewelry pieces. CocaCola Collectibles: 3 lrg. Vintage metal wall thermometers & 2 modern; 14 original vintage trays & 12 modern; 3 lrg. Vintage prints in frames; vintage wood & tin six pack carriers w/6 Jasper Bottling bottles; cast iron two horse wagon w/umbrella, man, coke cases.

Craftsman Lawn Tractor * Lawn & Garden

Craftsman 21 hp, hydro dive, 42” cut, riding mower; 5 hp front tine tiller; Echo TC-210 mini tiller; large 2 wheel plastic wheel barrel; portable air tank; Poulan Pro 16” chain saw; push garden planter; squirrel cage fan; power hand tools; long handle tools; small hand tools; small Craftsman mechanics tool chest; metal tools boxes; hyd. bottle jack; 8′ fiberglass & 6′ wooden step ladders; 7 point whitetail mount; several Euro whitetail mounts; 5 rods & reels & fishing tackle. 

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Personal Property Preview: Friday, July 12th          3:00 To 5:00 PM

 For color photos visit our web site @ 

 Auctioneers Note: Local Owners.

Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Burger Estate Auction, August 17th

The Estate of Robert Burger Sr. has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Saturday, August 17th @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.  

Antique Furniture *Antiques & Collectibles

Waterfall cedar chest; camel back trunk; Retro portable TV; quarter sawed oak lamp table; Free treadle sewing machine in cabinet; 3′ wooden porch bench; 2 E.J. Oeding Memories Of Yesteryear adv. pcs.; Burger Beer wall sign; white metal 7Up picnic cooler; old soda bottles; 2 bottle capers; nickel fire extinguisher; KuckKoo clock; Vintage photo album, filled; blue & gray granite roasters;2 white granite wash pans; 3 aluminum wash pans; twin wash tubs on stand; 3 Old Hickory butcher knives; other butcher & boning knives; 1-9” & 3-10” Griswold skillets; 10 lrg. Early Times & Calvert whiskey tip bottles on metal stands; 2 retro smoking stands; several wooden croquet sets; 2 man hickory cross cut saw; vintage girls 20” bike; galvanized kerosene can, lrg. & small galv. sprinkling cans; wash tub, pair of wash tubs on stand; pail; 9 – 4” green wooden window shutters; 22” St. Rita statue; stained glass windows; 36” lightening rod w/white globe; 4′ lightening rod only; 2 white lightening rod globes; tobacco tins; black wall rotary phone; many vintage post cards; vintage satin wedding dress. Children’s Items: Oak table & 4 chairs; maple high chair w/stencil; wooden doll cradle; doll buggy; lag. homemade wooden play barn; 10 comic books; many board games; plastic cars & trucks; 2 mini sewing machines; Petes Dragon & Aladdin Chuck Wagon tin lunch pails w/thermos; vintage pressed tin baseball game; Tonka metal farm flat bed truck; Srtucto metal wrecker; Rabbit Hunt Target game; metal De-Luxe Dial typewriter; Eldon Go Cart Raceway; Roy Rogers Double R Bar ranch set; Jarts game. Pottery: #6, 2-#8, #10, #12 white crocks; #2, #3, brown crocks; #10 brown & white Sorghum jug; #10 brown & white double handle jug; #4, 2-#5 brown & white jugs; 2 – 5” pottery mix bowls; 2 blue Uhl Picket fence mix bowls. Glassware & China: Many nice pieces of glassware including set of 4 Fire King casseroles; lrg. yellow Pyrex mix bowl; Pyrex teal green baking dish; Pyrex pie plates; painted tea glass sets, stemware, vegetable bowls; many other pieces of pressed glass. Several sets of China dinnerware.   

 Coins * Pocketknives * 3 Guns 

Pocket Watches & Jewelry

5 Morgan silver dollars; 2 Peace silver dollars; 4 lots of Ike dollars; 13 one oz. Silver rounds; 10 grams gold ingot necklace; 7 Kennedy silver halves; 1952 Franklin half; 1864Two Cent Piece; 1867 Shield nickel; 1911 Barber dime; 2 lots of 130 & 150 clad Kennedy halves; 2 lots of 200 & 165 Bicentennial quarters; 2 lots of 88 & 60 Wheat Back pennies; 2 lots of 13 & 35 Buffalo nickels; 227 Roosevelt dimes; 3 lots of 100 State Quarters; 6 Steel War Pennies; 4 Sacajawea dollars; 5 Red Letter two dollar bills; 1923 Silver Certificate; 8 1976 two dollar bills. Pocket Watches  & Costume Jewelry: 2 Elgin gold pocket watches w/chains; 2 Elgin silver pocket watches; Aristcrat RR Special silver pocket watch; Bijou gold watch w/ long gold chain; gold ruby & diamond mens’ ring; gold Fathers’ ring w/4 stones; 2 gold baby rings; many pieces of costume jewelry. Pocketknives: Uebelhor Rario & TV adv. knife; Boettcher & Kellogg adv. knife; 6 old pocketknives. 3 Guns: Stevens 22LR single lever action; Geco Carabiner Model 1919 22 single bolt action; Iver Johnson 12 ga. Single; Crossman BB gun. 

Household Furniture & Smalls

Modern oak dining table w/6 bent wood chairs; modern dining table w/leaves & 6 chairs; 4 & 5 piece bedroom sets; blonde 4 drawer chest; bookcase headboard bed; teal green sofa & recliner; lighted curio cabinet; 4 drawer metal file cabinet; 2 vinyl & chrome bar stools; set of 4 cushion folding chairs; set of 4 wooden folding chairs; sliding glass door bookcase; wooden shelved storage cabinets; Frigidaire Commercial upright freezer; Kelvinator 17 cu. ft. chest freezer; 2 Hot Point refrigerator/freezers; Frigidaire washer & dryer; 2 gas kitchen stoves; 32” Emerson flat screen TV w/ black TV stand; VCR player; portable TV; many VCR tapes; Hi Sense 42” flat screen TV;  Reliable portable sewing machine; Eureka upright vac; GE mounted radio; microwave; blankets & sofa throws; hook rugs; 2 lrg. plastic sausage mix tubs; 2 food grinders; Tupperware; small kitchen appliances & utensils; stainless & aluminum cookware; several stainless soup & stock pots; Visions cookware; Corningware roaster; stainless pressure cooker; stainless & sliver plate flatware; many clear quart caning jars; box of zinc caning lids; 1 gallon glass jars & jugs.   

John Deere Lawn Tractor * Troy Bilt Pony Tiller

Power & Hand Tools * Ladders

John Deere D110 riding mower w/19.5 hp, hydro. Drive, 42” cut, 295 hours in very good condition; like new Black Max E450 21” mower w/lrg. wheels, adj. height; Troy Bilt Pony rear tine tiller, very good condition; #2 Boy Scout push garden plow; pull type metal lawn cart; 18” x 18” & 10” x 18” metal deep fry pans w/strainers; Weber charcoal grill; concrete Grotto; 2 sets nice patio chairs; wooden picnic table w/iron frame; slatted wood porch swing; 2 plastic dog houses. Hand & Power Tools: Like new Master Mechanic Mechanic 14 drawer tool chest w/top box on rollers; many new & used power tools including Justen ½ hp bench top drill press; Makita 4.5” grinder; & sawzall; 2 double end bench grinders, many other hand held power tools; 4” bench vise; lrg combination wrench set; two vintage standing seam metal roof benders; brace drill & bits; NIB socket sets 1/4” to 3/4”; NIB tap & die set; Many, many small hand tools of all types; long handle tools. Ladders: 8′ Werner fiberglass step ladder; 6′ wooden step ladder; 2 wooden extension ladders; 12′ aluminum ladder; assorted roof ladders.

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Personal Property Preview: Friday, August 16th          3:00 To 5:00 PM

 For color photos visit our web site @ 

Owner: The Estate Of Robert Burger Sr.

Auctioneers Note: Guns & Jewelry to sell @ 11:00 AM ET.    Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Large Quality Uhl Collection, Sat. May 18th

Robbie and Melinda Lee have commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Saturday, May 18th @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs. 

Large Quality Uhl Pottery Collection

Vast Majority Stamped Or Numbered

Blue dbl. handle table lamp; Hand Thrown 6.5” ribbed pitcher w/pinched spout; Hand Thrown blue ribbed vase; blue Open Hands plaque; 2 complete Uco chicken feeders; large & small chicken water tops; 2 rabbit feeders; “Mercury” jug; “Alpine House Evansville” mug; white commode w/bail handle; blue & white cuspidor; 5 sets S&P shakers; rose & blue flower frogs; 2 brown cookie jar w/lid; orange blossom jar; 6 casseroles w/lids; 2 double handle jars w/lids; blue & white pig banks; 5 baby shoes. Evansville Uhl: #4 & #5 gallon jugs. Large & Small Crocks: ½ gal., 1 gal. w/lid; 2 – 1 gal.; #2, 2 – #3, 2 – #4, 2 – #5,  2 – #6, 2 – #8 w/bail handle; 2 – #10 w/bail handles, # 12 & 15 w/bail handles; 2 – ½ gal., small & lrg. butter crocks; 1 gal. Apple Butter w/lid; 1 gal. white water jug w/spigot; 2 small grease crocks w/lids; sm. blue butter w/lid; blue & white salt w/lid; blue & white “Homade” butter w/lid; #3, 4, 6 crock lids; many different size wooden round crock stacking boards. Single & Double Handle Jugs: Quart, 5 – #1, 2, 3 – #3, 4, 4 – #5, brown & white jugs; 2 – #5 All White Moonshine jugs; #8 & #10 double handle jugs; brown squat jug w/bail handle; 3 – 9” Egyptian jugs; 7 small Egyptian jugs; 4 #164 Creme-De Coffee; broen wine jug; double handle Glenmore jug. Butter Churns: #2, 3, 4, 5 white butter churns w/bail handles, lids & dashers. Ashtrays: Schlegels Tire Shop; 2 Huntingburg American Legion Post 221; blue & white “ Cannelton Sewer Pipe Co.”; brown “ Cannelton Sewer Pipe Co.”. Commemoratives: 60 Commemoratives many w/original boxes. Pitchers: 2 blue refrigerator pitchers w/stoppers; blue grape squat w/lid; 4 tall blue grape; rose globe water pitcher; 2 Rustic Barrel pitchers w/6 mugs; 5 Rustic Barrel mugs; 2 acid pitchers; cream pitchers. Many other pitchers in different styles & colors. Miniatures: 31/2” frog; 3 – 1/2”  brown jugs; 7 – 1” brown & white jugs; “Acorn Wares Will Save Half Your Fuel Money” bank; 2 “Acorn Wares Mothers Day1998” jugs; 1933 “Xmas Cheer Uhl Pottery” jug; “Little Brown Jug Syrup” canteen jug; 2 “Dubois County Millennium” jugs; 2 “Canadian Apple Blossom” jugs; 25 different styles of mini jugs w/Meiers labels; 3 hat pin holders; “Fisher” ink well; 2 acron jugs; canteen, globe, shoulder jugs; Botay teal green jug; Botay white canteen jug; purple& blue ring jugs; White hydrant dog; brown hydrant; blue & white churn w/lid & dasher; 4 rustic barrel mugs; 4 Military boots; 11 Dutch shoes; 2 ladies slippers; 7 baseball jugs; 12 elephant jugs; horse head jug; lrg. football; 3 globe jugs. Disinger Miniatures: 25 Merry Xmas jugs; 5 “Greetings From Uhl Pottery” prunella jugs; 4 2005 – 2007 “Xmas Cheer” jugs; rose “Happy Mother Day” tea pot; blue vase. Planters & Vases: 3 blue & brown Lincoln base relief cream pitchers; 7 #157 fan flower vases; 4 – 8” vases; 5” rose vase; lrg. yellow #117 vase; blue modern elephant planter; Blue & tan lamb planters; 5 rabbit & basket planters; lrg. Blue rabbit planter; 3 cat planters. Bowls: Set of 3 blue stacking Pond Lilly bowls; 3 batter mix bowls; orange stove set; 10” white mix bowl. Ransburg: Globe cookie jar w/lid; painted jar; 3 piece orange stove set. 

25 Vintage & Modern Beer/Bar Signs

20 Budweiser Mugs

Bud Man bar statue; 2 lighted Sterling signs; lighted Meister Brau; lighted Seagrams Coolers; Pabst lighted; other non-lighted signs including Coors, Labatts, Shiltz Light, Strohs, Old Taylor, Molson, Miller, Walkers, Budweiser, DeKuypers, Jack Daniels; Miller mirror; Bud Light mirror; tall ornate green liquor bottle; 20 Budweiser mugs.  

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Personal Property Preview: Friday, May 17th          3:00 To 5:00 PM

 For color photos visit our web site @ 

 Auctioneers Note: The vast majority of these items are in very good condition. 2 rings will be selling with Uhl in one and Beer & Bar Signs in the other, both starting @ 9:00 am.   Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

Opell & Others Auction, Sat. April 27th

The Estate of Don & Marilyn Opell & Others has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Saturday, April 27th @ 9:00 AM ET

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.  

2007 Sportsman By KZ Sportster M-32 Camper/Toy Hauler

Special order 2007 Sportsman By KZ Sportster M-32 Camper/Toy Hauler,10′ X 33′ w/power slide out, 5th wheel, tandem axle, 16′ roll-out awning, 12V platform lift, sleeps 6, bathroom w/shower, kitchen w/refrigerator freezer, stove w/hood, microwave, built in coffee maker, folding rear ramp door, generator ready, LED lighting, 2 30# LP tanks, 11′ 8” height, aluminum wheels, interior floor tie downs, always stored inside heated garage, one owner, very good condition, pet & smoke free. Sells with reasonable reserve. Owner Bill & Carol Meyer. 

Antique Furniture *Antiques & Collectibles

White wicker desk set w/desk, lamp, writing desk, wall mirror, corner curio shelf; wicker rocker; white wicker room divider; white wicker plant stands, etc; maple drop leaf gate leg table; marble top lamp table; hinged top ladies writing desk; childs uphl. Rocker; 2′ & 2-10” ceramic Christmas trees; many lots of Ladies & Mens costume jewelry; vintage ladies & mens hats; 30” brass fire nozzle; 1958 Official Indiana Fire Chiefs Year Books; oil paintings in frames; Have A Coke door pull; oil paintings in frames; kerosene lamps; pink GWTW lamp; wooden shoe shine box; several Viewmasters; silverplate serving set; 2 sets of Rgers sliverplate flatware;  gray granite coffee pot; many vintage sheet music pieces; many old Bibles; blue qt. caning jars; spring rocking horse; Navy Seabees uniform patches; set of Halls Rose Parade bowls & pitcher; wooden arch top tool chest; flat top wooden tool chest; metal WW II helmet; 3 fiber WW II helmets; pressed tin train set w/ track; cook books; Meadow Gold Milk 12 x 12 sign; fur coat; 3 fur shawls; wooden file cabinet. Pottery: #6 brown & white churn; rose Uhl casserole w/lid; Uhl blue grape squat pitcher.    

Gun * Pocketknives * Coins

Stevens Model 77A12 ga. grooved walnut pump shotgun; Parris Mfg. Childs pop gun; 12 old pocket knives; large mouth bass wall mount. Coins: Whitman folder of 116 Lincoln Cents, 1914-1939; folder of 54 1916-1945 Mercury Dimes; folder of 36 Barber Quarters; folder of 64 1938-1961 Jefferson nickels; folders of 62, 64 & 11 Jefferson nickels; 1900 Morgan silver dollar; 1901 & 2 1909 Barber halves; BiCentennial uncirculated set; other assorted US coins; Brass & Copper Commemorative tokens; foreign coins.

Glassware & China 

Many, many pieces Pressed Pattern glass including Cranberry trim covered candy dish, many sets and individual pieces of Fostoria glassware; etched stemware sets; many glass & porcelain figurines. China & Porcelain: Set of Homer Laughlin egg shell dinnerware; harmony House w/silver trim set; silver trim Alpine set of 8; set of Corningware blue Corn Flower; 16 hand painted collector porcelain plates including Austria, WH George, Limoges, etc; 5 porcelain creamers; Occupied Japan tea set; porcelain tea cups & saucers; China & Porcelain vegetable bowls.    

Quilts * Singer Sewing Machines

2 hand stitched patchwork quilts; double wedding ring quilt; cross stitched quilt; several patchwork quilts; many pieces of fancy work including dresser scarfs, doilies, table cloths, etc; sewing box filled; wooden hinged top sewing box on legs. Singer Sewing Machines: Singer 319 in cabinet; Singer 237 sewing machine; Singer Model G369586 Portable; Singer Pro 14U12 surger; Singer treadle sewing machine top & frame only.

Household Furniture & Smalls

Kincaid 4 pc. bedroom suite w/polster bed; Basset 3 pc. bedroom set; wagon wheel drop leaf tea cart; Chromecraft dining table w/4 cushion chairs on rollers; sewing rocker; maple drop front secretary; brown recliner; small metal desk; burgandy leather recliner; white full length mirror on frame; jewelry tower on legs; oak rock w/padded seat & back; 5 Windsor kitchen chairs; dining room buffet; end table set; tan & blue plaid Hide A Bed sofa; pair blue rocker/gliders; corner lighted curio cabinet; Grandmothers clock; hinged top mag table; needle point foot stool; table & floor lamps; 27” flat screen TV; Dirt Devil upright vac; pair of Dragonfly brass base lamps; wheel chair; several Hoover & Kirby upright vacs; stainless cookware; stainless flatware; kitchen appliances & utensils; pint & quart caning jars. 

Lawn & Garden

 Craftsman 15.5 hp riding lawn mower w/Hydro drive, 38” cut; long handle tools; small hand tools; 20′ aluminum extension ladder; several metal storage shelves. Owners: The Estate of Don & Marilyn Opel.


Household Furniture: Tell City Chair oak dining table w/5 Cattail chairs; 2 TC Chair oak bar stools; 2 Flexstell floral sofas, VGC; Lazy Boy floral sofa & loveseat; gray liv. rm. Chair; heavy pecan finish open bookcases w/bottom storage. Quilts: 2 Applique, 1 Patchwork, 1 plain white, linens & fancy work, VGC. Antiques & Collectibles: 2 Rookwood vases; Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf set of 3 nesting mix bowl set; teal green Uhl #156 vase; Noritake copper Lustre salad bowl set; white China childs tea set; 24” composition doll w/movable arms & legs; full set of  Rogers 1847 silverplate flatware; many 45 records & albums. Owners: Jim & Margaret Seifert.   

 Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

                                           Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted    

Personal Property Preview: Friday, April 26th         3:00 To 5:00 PM

 Auctioneers Note: The majority of these items are in very good condition. One you don’t want to miss. Camper to sell at 12:00 noon. 

Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.

New Listing

Clarence Knust 2 Acre Residential Lot

Located 1.5 miles East of Vienna Dr Ferdinand on St. Rd 264 {Forest Rd.} Consists of 2 acres w/recent survey, all open, several nice building sights. Frontage on St. Rd. 264. Septic system approved, Dubois REC electric, Patoka water. Driveway permit applied for. Topography level to rolling. Good neighborhood. Call Tony for showing and information. 


Ferdinand Listing

434 W 13th St. Ferdinand IN. Home, Garage & .72 Acres


Address: 434 W 13th St Ferdinand IN 47532. 

Location: Approx. 3 blocks West of Main St. in Ferdinand. 

County Parcel Numbers: 19-15-28-203-411.000-008. 19-15-28-203- 410.000-008. 

Lot Description: Consists of approx. .72 acre. Well shaded. Level lot. 

Home: Built in 1968. One and a half story brick. 

Total Sq. Ft. Finished Living Area: 2,554 finished square feet. 

Bedrooms: Five Total. 

15′ x 15′ Master bedroom. Main level. Vinyl floor. Closet. 

11′ 5″ x 11′ 8″ Bedroom. Main level. Vinyl floor. Closet. 

12′ 4x 13‘ 7″ Southeast bedroom. Second level. Vinyl floor. Closet. 

12′ 5″ x 19′ Middle bedroom. Second level. Vinyl floor. Built in shelves. Window Air Condition unit. 

15′ x 20′ 8″ North bedroom. Second level. Hardwood floor. Closet. Window Air Condition unit. 

Main Level Kitchen/Diningroom: 12′ x 19′ 3″. Breakfast bar. New laminate floor. Built in dishwasher. Gas stove & refrigerator included. Corner China cabinet. 

Livingroom: 15′ x 19′ 4″. New laminate floor. Front entrance. 

Master Bath: 38x 10′ 9″. vinyl floor. Tub only. 

Enclosed Back Porch: 11’3″ x 22’3. Vinyl floor. Outside entrance. 

Basement: Full basement with outside entrance. Glazed tile bathroom w/shower. Kitchen area. Shelved pantry. Large storage area w/floor safe. Lot of open area. 

Heating & Cooling System: High Efficiency Gas furnace w/central air conditioning. 

Ceilings and Walls: Drywall, plaster, paneling. 

Interior/Exterior Features: All vinyl replacement windows. 200 amp electric service. All major appliances including 2 gas kitchen stoves, 2 refrigerators, chest type freezer, combination floor safe, Snapper Zero Turn mower. Concrete drive. Concrete patio. Front porch w/glazed tile floor & wrought iron railing. Hardwood floors under vinyl and carpet. 

Roof Type: Standing seam metal in good condition. 

Two Car Un Attached Garage: 1968 concrete block, 24x 26′ two car garage overhead doors, one walk through door, concrete floor, shingle roof, attached shop and lawn storage area. 

Utilities: Water, sewer, electric, Town of Ferdinand. Ohio Valley Gas

Approx. average monthly utility cost $175.00. 

Taxes: $1,170.84 for 2022. Taxes are to be prorated to the day of closing. Possession: Upon Closing. 

Schools: Southeast Dubois School Corp. 

Personal Property Included: Snapper Zero Turn mower, 2 gas kitchen stoves, 2 refrigerators, chest type freezer, combination floor safe. 

Note: Owner to provide new deed, title search and title insurance at closing. 

List Price: $230,000 

For information or showing call Tony @ 812-367-1388. All information herein is deemed reliable, however is not warranted and is subject to change without notice. We assume no liability for errors

St Meinrad Listing

Home & 2 Acres


Address: 11512 E St Rd 62, St Meinrad IN 47577.

Location:  West side of St Meinrad along St Rd 62.   

Current County Parcel Number: 74-01-15-102-008.000-001.  

Lot: 2 acres. Topography is rolling, all open. One quarter acre lake.   

Home: Four bedroom, frame home. Built in 1943.  

Total Sq. Ft. Finished Living Area: 958 sq. ft. on main level & Approx. 300 sq. ft. on second level. Total 1,258.                                  

Bedrooms: Four Total. 

10′ 2” x 14′ 4” Master bedroom. Southwest Main level. Carpet floor. Closet.

10′ 4” x 12′ 4: Northwest bedroom. Main level. Carpet floor. Closet.

11′ x 15′ 9” West Bedroom. Second level. Pine tongue & groove floor. Closet.

11′ x 13′ 2” East Bedroom. Second level. Pine tongue & groove floor. Closet.

Kitchen/Dining Room: 12′ 3” x 12′ 3”. Main level. Carpet floor. Entrance to enclosed porch and outside. Kitchen stove and refrigerator included.  

Living Room: 12′ 3” x 14′ 4”. Main level. Carpet floor. Entrance to front porch and outside.

Enclosed Porch: 7′ 4” x 12′ 3”. Main level. Laminate floor. Side entrance.  

Master Bathroom: 5′ x 8′ 6”. Main level. Tile floor. Tub only unit.

Full Basement: Washer & dryer Hook-up, corner shower, small shelved area. Modern plastic & copper plumbing. Shallow well pump.

Heating & Cooling System: Gas furnace w/central air. 

Ceilings and Walls: Drywall, plaster, paneling.     

Roof Type: Shingle in good condition. Age unknown.

Interior Features: All vinyl replacement windows. Oak trim. Hardwood floors under carpet & vinyl. Curtains & drapes.

Exterior Features: Vinyl siding. Gravel drive. Nice landscaping. 

Outbuildings: 12′ x 21′ one car frame garage. 24′ x 40′ post frame shop building built in 1984, concrete floor, sliding door & walk-through doors, water & electric, calf stall in rear. 19′ x 20′ post frame storage building w/electric gravel floor built in 1970.    

Utilities: Water, sewer, St. Meinrad Utilities. Natural gas Ohio Valley Gas. Center Point electric.100 amp electric service. Approx. average monthly utility cost $175.00.

Taxes: $129.38 with exemptions for 2022. Taxes to be prorated to the day of closing. 

Possession: Upon closing. 

Schools: North Spencer School Corp.

Note: Owner to provide new deed, title search and title insurance at closing.

List Price $175,000

For information or showing call Tony @ 812-367-1388.

All information herein is deemed reliable, however is not warranted and is subject to change without notice. We assume no liability for errors.