Schurz Uhl Pottery Auction Sat. Jan. 18th

Patty & The Late Jerry Schurz have commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on

Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.

300 Piece Uhl Pottery Collection

Flower Pots & Vases: Purple gazing ball on stand; pair of brown porch pots on short pedestals from Ideal Hotel Huntingburg; brown & tan porch  pot on tall pedestal; 20” green flower vase; 20” double handle burgundy vase; 17” blue flower vase; 15” black vase. Hand Turned: 2 tone green 3 handle 71/2” jar; 5” 2 tone green ribbed pot; 7” green pitcher; 61/2” 2 tone green bulbous vase; 5” green ribbed bulbous vase; green 4” pitcher w/pinched spout; green 9” flower vase; green 4” 4 spout flower vase; 2 tone green 5” vase; blue 6” vase. Crocks & Jugs: #2 butter churn w/ bail handle, lid & dasher; #10 white crock w/bail handles; #10 white crock; #3 white crock; #6 crock w/bail handles; #5 b & w jug w/brown stamp; #10 b & w double handle jug; #8 brown round shoulder double handle sorghum jug; 2 – #1, 2 – #2, 2 – #3, 3 – #5 brown & white jugs; 2 – #2 b & w preserves jar w/lid; steam table jar stamped. Teal Green: 2 #150 Grecian jugs w/stoppers; pig planter; 2 coffee pots w/lids; mini cat jug; mini flagon jug; modern elephant planter; mini ring jug; mini elephant jug; mini Ale jug; rabbit & basket planter; #199 dog & hydrant ashtray; lrg. Thieves jar; #6 dutch shoe planter; #176 bulbous jug; #156 vase; #528 casserole w/lid; #157 fan vase; flower frog; 8” vase; 2 vegetable bowls; pair tied baby shoes; grease jar; #156 double handle vase; mini hydrant dog jug; elephant planter; pair baby shoes; #155 fan vase; set of dinnerware. Yellow: Globe cookie jar w/lid; #6 ribbed flower pot; 51/2” rustic barrel pitcher; #528 casserole w/lid; 31/2” footed bowl; Globe ice pitcher; #155 fan vase; pr. Baby shoes; mini ribbed flower planter; #151 casserole w/lid; 2-189 Grecian jugs; #125 Grecian jug w/stopper; lrg. Bulbous pitcher; #`140 ashtray; 5” & 8” vases; #182 & #184 grape pictures; #117 10” flower vase; mini elephant jug; mini Rosard & Meiers jugs. Blue: Pair of rope pattern candle sticks; Cattail canteen jug w/stopper; refrigerator pitcher w/stopper; blue & white Swastika wall mount salt; 4”, 5”, 8” picket fence mix bowls; open salt crock; 8” grape pitcher; 7” low profile bowl; low profile tea pot w/lid; 51/2” grape pitcher; 51/2” ribbed flower pot; 4” barrel jar w/lid; 9” Grecian jug; 5” candy jar; 81/2” grape pitcher; 10” vase; 5/12” rustic barrel pitcher; 71/2” double handle vase; globe water pitcher; 2 – 81/2” bellied pitchers; S & P shaker set; batter mix bowl; sm. Blue band crock; soup bowls; nini shoulder jug; mini hydrant dog; 4” Lincoln pitcher; rabbit feeder; bulbous creamer; lrg. barrel pitcher; 7”grape pitcher; lrg. Bellied #197 pitcher; #458 vase; 5” & 6” picket fence mix bowls;  6” ribbed flower vase; blue & white squat grape pitcher; fan vase; lrg. Bellied pitcher; mini pitcher; blue & white bail handle jar; wine jug; squat graope pitcher; blue & white 7” grape pitcher; grease jar w/lid; 4” handy jar; 8” vase; 2 – 8” flagon pitchers; #234 Bulbous pitcher; tea pot w/lid; 2 – 91/2” grape pitchers; pr. Of 41/2′ & 51/2” Dutch shoes; 3 mini Grecian jugs. Black: Scottie dog planter: lrg. Piggy bank. Tan: Rustic Barrel pitcher & 6 mugs set. White: Lrg. piggy bank. Commemoratives: 1988 blue & white mini canteen jug; 1989 white football jug;1990 mini shoulder jug;1991 white ashtray;1993 Evansville crock;1994 Dillsboro mini shoulder jug; 3 1995 blue & white mini churns;1996 white thieves jar;1997 white bulbous bank jug & Happy Mothers Day acorn jug; 1998 spongeware bean pot w/lid; 1999 blue & white spongeware and rose mini flower pots; 2 – 2000 white chicken waters; 2002 blue & white acorn ashtrays; 2003 spongeware planter; 2004 blue thieves jar, rose mini jar w/lid & blue flower basket; 2005 teal green tea pot & Happy Uhling tea pot; 2006 teal & tan green wren houses; 2007 black. White, yellow piggy banks; 2008 green, purple, black, white Scottie dogs; 2009 white, brown, teal green Lincoln plaques; 2010 basketball on stand & Greetings From Uhl Pottery; 2011 blue & teal green candlesticks; 2-2012 brown tank jugs; 2014 teal green, purple, peach dog & hydrant ashtrays;2015 black & white double handle 30 jug; 2016 green handled plate;2017 Home Sweet Home pitcher; 2018 blue flower basket; 2019 light blue vase; 35th year blue & white match holder; Bird bath on stand. Miniatures: 1930 blue & white Xmas Cheer jug; Merry Xmas 1939 blue & white jug; white double jug w/Huntingburg IND.; Merry Xmas 1994 jug; yellow mini pitcher; 3 blue Dutch shoes; yellow pitcher; teal green toothpick holder; brown rustic barrel jug; rose storage jar w/lid {Sample scratched in bottom}; 3 rustic barrel mugs. Advertising & Souvenir: Schlegiel’s Tire Shop ashtray; 2 blue & white Cannelton Sewer Pipe Co. ashtrays; Great Smoky Mountains National Park blue & white prunella jug; Lincoln’s Birthplace Kentucky mini shoulder jug. OtherUhl: Liberty Bell on stand. Other Uhl Collectibles: Many Uhl event pins, Uhl News Letters, various factory, McCurdy & Feldmeyer Indentification & Value guides. Other Pottery: Very nice highly glazed green bird bath; Yellow Banks salt glaze cheese ball tray w/ cover & pair of grape pattern candle holders; 1899 MaComb Pottery preserves jar w/zinc lid.  

Auctioneer’s Note: The majority of these are in in good, clean condition, stamped or numbered. 

Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention

Phone & Absentee Biding Accepted

Owner: Patty & The Late Jerry Schurz.

Auctioneers Note: All good quality, well cared for items. One you don’t want to miss.  Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for, Not responsible for accidents. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyers Premium