The Estate of Don & Marilyn Opell & Others has commissioned Brahm & Brahm Auction/Realty to sell the following on
Saturday, April 27th @ 9:00 AM ET
Auction located at the Huntingburg Conservation Club. Address is 8728 S 100 W Ferdinand IN 47532. From US 231 South in Huntingburg take Sunset Drive for 2.2 miles then 2 miles to auction site. Watch for auction signs.
2007 Sportsman By KZ Sportster M-32 Camper/Toy Hauler
Special order 2007 Sportsman By KZ Sportster M-32 Camper/Toy Hauler,10′ X 33′ w/power slide out, 5th wheel, tandem axle, 16′ roll-out awning, 12V platform lift, sleeps 6, bathroom w/shower, kitchen w/refrigerator freezer, stove w/hood, microwave, built in coffee maker, folding rear ramp door, generator ready, LED lighting, 2 30# LP tanks, 11′ 8” height, aluminum wheels, interior floor tie downs, always stored inside heated garage, one owner, very good condition, pet & smoke free. Sells with reasonable reserve. Owner Bill & Carol Meyer.
Antique Furniture *Antiques & Collectibles
White wicker desk set w/desk, lamp, writing desk, wall mirror, corner curio shelf; wicker rocker; white wicker room divider; white wicker plant stands, etc; maple drop leaf gate leg table; marble top lamp table; hinged top ladies writing desk; childs uphl. Rocker; 2′ & 2-10” ceramic Christmas trees; many lots of Ladies & Mens costume jewelry; vintage ladies & mens hats; 30” brass fire nozzle; 1958 Official Indiana Fire Chiefs Year Books; oil paintings in frames; Have A Coke door pull; oil paintings in frames; kerosene lamps; pink GWTW lamp; wooden shoe shine box; several Viewmasters; silverplate serving set; 2 sets of Rgers sliverplate flatware; gray granite coffee pot; many vintage sheet music pieces; many old Bibles; blue qt. caning jars; spring rocking horse; Navy Seabees uniform patches; set of Halls Rose Parade bowls & pitcher; wooden arch top tool chest; flat top wooden tool chest; metal WW II helmet; 3 fiber WW II helmets; pressed tin train set w/ track; cook books; Meadow Gold Milk 12 x 12 sign; fur coat; 3 fur shawls; wooden file cabinet. Pottery: #6 brown & white churn; rose Uhl casserole w/lid; Uhl blue grape squat pitcher.
Gun * Pocketknives * Coins
Stevens Model 77A12 ga. grooved walnut pump shotgun; Parris Mfg. Childs pop gun; 12 old pocket knives; large mouth bass wall mount. Coins: Whitman folder of 116 Lincoln Cents, 1914-1939; folder of 54 1916-1945 Mercury Dimes; folder of 36 Barber Quarters; folder of 64 1938-1961 Jefferson nickels; folders of 62, 64 & 11 Jefferson nickels; 1900 Morgan silver dollar; 1901 & 2 1909 Barber halves; BiCentennial uncirculated set; other assorted US coins; Brass & Copper Commemorative tokens; foreign coins.
Glassware & China
Many, many pieces Pressed Pattern glass including Cranberry trim covered candy dish, many sets and individual pieces of Fostoria glassware; etched stemware sets; many glass & porcelain figurines. China & Porcelain: Set of Homer Laughlin egg shell dinnerware; harmony House w/silver trim set; silver trim Alpine set of 8; set of Corningware blue Corn Flower; 16 hand painted collector porcelain plates including Austria, WH George, Limoges, etc; 5 porcelain creamers; Occupied Japan tea set; porcelain tea cups & saucers; China & Porcelain vegetable bowls.
Quilts * Singer Sewing Machines
2 hand stitched patchwork quilts; double wedding ring quilt; cross stitched quilt; several patchwork quilts; many pieces of fancy work including dresser scarfs, doilies, table cloths, etc; sewing box filled; wooden hinged top sewing box on legs. Singer Sewing Machines: Singer 319 in cabinet; Singer 237 sewing machine; Singer Model G369586 Portable; Singer Pro 14U12 surger; Singer treadle sewing machine top & frame only.
Household Furniture & Smalls
Kincaid 4 pc. bedroom suite w/polster bed; Basset 3 pc. bedroom set; wagon wheel drop leaf tea cart; Chromecraft dining table w/4 cushion chairs on rollers; sewing rocker; maple drop front secretary; brown recliner; small metal desk; burgandy leather recliner; white full length mirror on frame; jewelry tower on legs; oak rock w/padded seat & back; 5 Windsor kitchen chairs; dining room buffet; end table set; tan & blue plaid Hide A Bed sofa; pair blue rocker/gliders; corner lighted curio cabinet; Grandmothers clock; hinged top mag table; needle point foot stool; table & floor lamps; 27” flat screen TV; Dirt Devil upright vac; pair of Dragonfly brass base lamps; wheel chair; several Hoover & Kirby upright vacs; stainless cookware; stainless flatware; kitchen appliances & utensils; pint & quart caning jars.
Lawn & Garden
Craftsman 15.5 hp riding lawn mower w/Hydro drive, 38” cut; long handle tools; small hand tools; 20′ aluminum extension ladder; several metal storage shelves. Owners: The Estate of Don & Marilyn Opel.
Household Furniture: Tell City Chair oak dining table w/5 Cattail chairs; 2 TC Chair oak bar stools; 2 Flexstell floral sofas, VGC; Lazy Boy floral sofa & loveseat; gray liv. rm. Chair; heavy pecan finish open bookcases w/bottom storage. Quilts: 2 Applique, 1 Patchwork, 1 plain white, linens & fancy work, VGC. Antiques & Collectibles: 2 Rookwood vases; Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf set of 3 nesting mix bowl set; teal green Uhl #156 vase; Noritake copper Lustre salad bowl set; white China childs tea set; 24” composition doll w/movable arms & legs; full set of Rogers 1847 silverplate flatware; many 45 records & albums. Owners: Jim & Margaret Seifert.
Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention
Phone & Absentee Bidding Accepted
Personal Property Preview: Friday, April 26th 3:00 To 5:00 PM
Auctioneers Note: The majority of these items are in very good condition. One you don’t want to miss. Camper to sell at 12:00 noon.
Terms & Conditions: Cash or check with proper ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of Auction take precedence over previous advertising. No Buyer’s Premium.